
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My late night movie made me cry :(

We all are familiar with the acting prowess of Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson, just saw their highly acclaimed and popular movie finally- The Bucketlist. Where do I start from? Knowing someone closely who is fighting cancer can make you see this movie in an altogether different light. Tales of death and doing something meaningful before dying is familiar to me but this tale attached a different meaning to it. Realism and emotions is something that I like in my movie watching experience. Both of these were conveyed beautifully in this one.
I won't go on to give a movie review here neither will I sermonise on how life is short, so must be enjoyed. But, would still say one thing- We can make few days if not all, in our life where we strike off an item from our infinitely long bucketlist :) The bucket will be filled with our dreams and aspirations and also our desires. Life is all about going out to fetch them. Don't stop being a dreamer...and don't wait to get old to do things (there! i did finally sermonise)

The picture above is a screen shot of the Taj Mahal scene from the movie :) Indians are obsessed about everything Indian. right?

By the way am really an emotional person but a confession straight away- cried like crazy at the end of this movie and no tears din't stream, they flooded :| yes am still perplexed at my sudden outburst. Here is why I feel movies are so important :) rekindling all kinds of emotions within us. I can never stop 'experiencing' movies ... (And to tell u honestly, am proud of that)


shix said...

Ok first about the you know that mom had reprimanded me on many occasions when she saw me crying while watching a movie and was perplexed by the fact that if one is watching a movie for entertainment then why cry!? Well needless to stay I used to turn away while crying so she couldn't see and I still do cry by the "bucket"!! Hehe..
Of course the movie is awesome, no need to mention that,but so is the message in it. But what I fail to make myself understand is that life comes once and I should enjoy it and do what makes me happy!!After all if I am not happy then I am sure I can't keep anyone else happy either. But when it comes to implimentation I am far from this and it's very difficult to practice what we preach!!

Rozita Singh said...

I know what you mean! Life is not like the movies...But somehow this 'njoy each moment of your life' is something that if we all set out for, we can achieve. Ofcourse, there are circumstances where you cannot, even when you want to..but all the other times its possible :) It really depends a lot on one's state of mind; at what stage in life they are and ofcourse the people around you :| So I always wish there's no stopping to your happiness :) (dark phases will pass away)