
Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Who are VIPs and Why do they behave the way they

Well,VIPs include Govt officials-Bureaucrats,politicians etc.
I am angry due to an incident that happened today:

Today evening,at about 4:30pm,me,my sis(she was driving) and my mum were coming back from Bhogal,Jangpura Extension towards Ashram.Suddenly,we heard a siren and saw a VIP car (escorted by a Pilot car and escort car) passing by.They had the time,resources and audacity to put the national emblem and a beacon on their car but not a simple number plate and when my sis pointed this out to a security person seated inside the escort car,(through her window,while driving) his reply was "Aapne abhi No. plate dekhi nahin hain,madam" Watever that meant!
I immediately clikd a few pics from my mobile and sent them to Metro Now with a small description of that incident.
What i am proud of,is the fact that this was not solely my decision,infact it was my mum and my sis who first pointed out the car to me.I had heard a siren,but i was busy reading a novel in the backseat.When we all noticed the missing no. plate,it was my mum and sis who encouraged me to click the pics.Infact i was so engrossed in trying to peek into the tinted windows of the VIP car,that it din't strike me!I am so proud of them!Both of them were least bothered or scared to voice their opinion towards the whole issue....Infact 3 of the cars(the VIP car,the escort car behind it and the pilot car in front of it) were moving side by side with our car, for atleast 5mins...and while i was clicking pics,the security personnel noticed and were pointing towards us......

VIPs misuse their power to get whatever they want!In this case,getting through the traffic,ahead of others.The road is equally ours,as much as theirs.Can't they respect the fact that on the road,outside their Govt offices(including the Parliament) they are like any other normal civilians and should behave like one too.
The use of the siren and the beacon light appalls me.Since, the Republic Day is approaching, yesterday's incident was,in a way, a breach of security.Any terrorist can hire a car with tinted windows and 2 additional cars and move out on the roads as a VIP.No one will question anyone,thinking that the person is a genuine VIP(because of the siren and the beacon).....Isn't this scary?As we saw,the basic identification of a car-the no. plate,could be missing and yet no one would question it/issue a chalan,if the person in question was a VIP!
I also realised from this incident that there is a journalist/activist inside each one of us which comes out in such times.................
I am still wondering who that VIP was?Because the person had heavy security,even when the car used to stop,there was this 1 guard with a gun who used to stand besides the door to the passenger seat....................


Meher B said...

oh wow!
i hope 'metro now' can help do something about it. :)
im proud of you missy.

at said...

going gr8 guns rozi...........fabulous and inspiring work. i look forward to a having an awsome journalist and activist friend,who i wish would showcase same vigour and passion ,once a professional............wish you unbound sucess.........

Rozita Singh said...

thank u!by the way,this article made it 2 Metro Now today!yay!:D

Devz said...
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Devz said...

Most apt example of "citizen journalism" by a journalist in the making..
hey ROSY... I m so proud of u...!!
keep going..

Meher B said...

it did!! yaay!

Nikita Garia said...

yeah it is very scary... n kudos to you for being daring enough to click doz pics :)

Unknown said...

yeah .. very nice.. dis is one thing i realy appreaciate rosy.. was proud to hv you ..
to precious to keep you now ;)
but gr8 job..
awakening on d strt..

Praniti said...

proud of you rozi pozi :D

cheers! :)

Unknown said...

a very gud effort
by a future journalist

shruti... ;) said...

u got a byline...!!!!!!(anubha...)
he he..i luv ppl who stand up and actually do things,that no one else will take the responsibility for doing....!!
take care..