
Monday, December 31, 2012

Turmoil (Part 1...)

I connected,
because she seemed 'one of my own'
I connected,
as I heard her anecdotes,
As I went deeper, I felt her pain
Sleepless nights and moist mornings
I was introduced to her on a night
and by dusk, she was my known,
I connected.

They spoke of her everywhere I went
The details of that gruesome night
eventually reached my soul.
I regretted this connect!
Her turmoils haunted me like my own!

I was not the only one who connected!
They came in huge numbers
they expressed their anger
they must have been haunted by her turmoil too.

They also came. In not so large numbers
but with a strength of authority
They tried hard to disperse us clones
Clones because we all felt the same turmoil
and we all connected!

An army against an army
They tried to break our connect
They broke many a things, but our connect was intact.

In the meanwhile,
the source of our connect was on her 11th day of battle
she was nerves of steel and bundle of iron
but when iron and steel are tempered
they give in at a set point and they too melt!

On the 12th dusk, I opened my eyes
and hers had already shut!
My first awake minute was her millionth step towards almighty.
As I looked up, she looked down
As I got up, she had long gone

.....To be continued


Devz said...

My favourite part of the poem has to be the fact that it's 'to be continued...'
I know it's not a beginning one would hope for but I do hope it'll have a spectacular ending.

Wish you a safer 2013.

Rozita Singh said...

Thanks for reading Basanti! Wishing you a better and a safe year ahead :)
One more chance to make this world peaceful and happier!

Manish Dhar said...

On the 12th dusk, I opened my eyes
and and all our eyes were shut..

She was still awake,in our memories,
a stark reminder to our puerile existence...

We live without any purpose and she lives with all the strength..

a strength that underlines our enervate character...

its not she who has left for heaven rather we who have inched closer to hell...

the mayans may be wrong about the literal end but the moral destitution has ended way back...

i say this with gloom that it might be eventual doom

with the people who rule have lost all zeal...

i end with a silent prayer for the girl with a million names,each of who has been to shame...


emotions intricately woven into much of pain and so much of strength she gave us....may lord keep her alive in us forever,,,,a great tribute indeed rozita,,,,